8 March 2009 - 10:48 am


My folks’ house in the UK has now been sold. It’s complete: exchanged and paid for. We can has moneys.

I can’t say how much of a relief this is. I’ve been supporting my folks on savings and my salary for the past few months, which has made things very hand-to-mouth. The past month has been barely scraping through (my savings all gone), and it was past the time when what I was bringing in just wasn’t going to cover it. It’s been stressful to say the least, and we all danced about a bit when we had the confirmation that it was all, finally, at last, done.

Now, all my debts in the UK are paid off. I don’t have to worry about sending money back there any more. And I can buy things again. Oh, shopping, I have missed you. 

We went out for a celebratory dinner last night. I can’t drink because of the wicked antibiotics I’m on, so I drove and let the parents get tipsy. They deserve it. It’s so nice to see them unwind properly. 

Today, we’re off for a bit of shopping (I’m hoping that I can stay upright long enough to make the most of it). I am going to look into getting a mini notebook for writing purposes, and possibly something else nice and shiny. We shall seeeee. After that, popcorn and Watchmen are on the cards. I might not be well enough to shop properly, but I can cope with sitting in a dark room watching a movie well enough. 😉

This weekend hasn’t been the most writey, but damn we all needed it. Today’s AB post is all ready and scheduled up, and tomorrow’s will be written when I get the chance. Maybe later tonight.

It’s all good.

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