Writers’ Asylum: Epilogue

And the door closes on our day of insanity. What will it open for you tomorrow?
(Picture by thechannelc)
You’ve made it to the end. You’ve spent time in the Asylum and survived to make it out the other side, stumbling, head wringing, eyes bleary, hands sore.
So how do you think you did? Did you surprise yourself after all? Did you write something for each challenge? Did you get to 1,000 words for any of them? Which one was easiest for you? Which one was the hardest? Did you write something you’ve never tried before? Did you learn anything new?
Did you have fun?
I hope the answer to the last question is ‘yes’, at least. I hope you’ve got a brain brimful of ideas and new perspectives. Maybe even some material you can use somewhere. I hope you will take something of value away from today.
Thank you for joining us. I’d love to know what you thought of the day: of the setup, the challenges, and anything else that comes to mind about the Asylum. Most of all, I’d love to know if you’d do it again.
You are released. May the madness continue, in whatever form pleases you.
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