9 May 2015 - 5:19 pm

Updating links

The new site unfolds

The new site unfolds

Not long ago, I moved this site from the old apocalypseblog.com domain to this shiny new one at melanieedmonds.com. I also moved it to a new host. Thanks to WordPress’s handy tools, it was very easy! It took just a few hours to get everything standing up on the new server and transferred.

One thing that the tools didn’t switch over for me was the links, however. Specifically, the links internal to the blog, between posts and pages, to tags and categories, and so on.

Now, I’ve set the previous blog’s address to auto-forward to the new one, that was easy, but it only affects users going directly to the homepage of the blog. After some investigation, I found that the links to specific locations within the blog (pages, posts, etc) were going and staying on the old site (it’s still there, for now).

This isn’t exactly ideal. So, I’ve been working over the last little while to gradually update the links to all point to the new domain. However, there are over 300 posts on the blog and it would take a lot of time to go through everything, so I’ve been targetting the big stuff first. I think I’ve got all the major links sorted.

I’ll keep poking at it and trying to get it all sorted. It’s a big job and might take a while.

In the meantime, if you notice any broken links or links that take you back to the old site, please let me know! I’ll be forever grateful. Likewise, if you spot anything broken or missing on the site, I’d love it if you let me know. Leave a comment or email me: your choice.

Thanks, my friends. Hopefully it’s all seamless to you!

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