11 December 2015 - 6:24 pm

Exciting calendar stuff

In an attempt to organise myself and make it easier for everyone to know when events are being held, I’ve added all of next year’s writing events to a handy calendar. This is the same calendar that we (Brisbane’s MLs*) use to schedule the NaNoWriMo events, and shows up on the Brisbane NaNoWriMo forum.

Having one calendar to coordinate all this stuff makes my life easier. So, it is now embedded into this website on the handy events page.

I’ve also added in some of the writing festivals that are happening next year. This helps me to arrange things so they don’t clash, which helps local writers be able to attend as much as possible.

So far, the list of writers festivals in/near Brisbane includes the Rock & Roll Writers Festival and Contact 2016. Geeky cons have been added as well because a lot of our writers attend those, and they can be really good for books. I’ll add in the Brisbane Writers Festival as soon as dates are announced (I couldn’t find the 2016 dates up anywhere yet).

Does anyone know of any other writing-related festivals in or near Brisbane (Australia)? Let me know in the comments!

* MLs = Municipal Liaisons; those who organise local events for NaNoWriMo, encourage others on the forum, and act as resource and moderator when required.

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