Writers’ Asylum: Murder in Mind: Prologue
Welcome to the Asylum. Today, we’re going to commit murder.
But first, we’re going to throw a party. We’re going to climb into the lives of the host and his or her guests, we’re going to see how they tick, and why. More interestingly, we’re going to see what happens when they’re mixed together.
I’m going to give you a series of instructions and prompts. You can take these instructions in any direction you wish: your imagination is encouraged to play. When each challenge is presented, you have an hour to write. Aim for 1,000 words and see where each challenge takes you!
So, get a drink, turn up the music, and settle in. It’s going to be a fun and perilous ride!
Next up: Challenge #1
Writing Spark #26 : : Adventures in Text says:
[…] writing prompts. I was flat out sorting the Writers’ Asylum! Now that’s done (for this year), we’re back to our regularly-scheduled Friday […]
May 12th, 2017 at 6:18 pm