What’s this all about, then?
So I have a new blog, or two. One of them is fictional, one is not. (For the curious, this is the non-fictional one.) I intend to keep both of them active and shiny and fun, to the best of my abilities. I don’t tend to keep blogs or journals or diaries, so this is something of a departure for me.
It’s about time I made a real attempt to do something public with my writing. It’s about time I made a serious attempt to get published. So this is sort of a first step. Getting my writing out into the public domain, making an internet footprint for myself.
Writing AB is proving to be interesting, and harder than I thought. I knew I couldn’t maintain a Bridget Jones / Diary of a Call Girl type of thing, and I do love being incredibly mean to my characters, so I threw a spanner into the lovely Faith’s works and blew up her world. In so many ways. I’m so mean, but it’s so much fun.
The aim at the moment is to write the fictional blog for at least six months, see if I can spin it out that long. I’d really like to say that I’m aiming for a year, and in my heart that is what I’m doing, but I’m trying to be realistic in my goals. And really, I have a lot of ground to cover. I have story arcs planned out, I have half a notebook full of notes (when the ideas come, they tend to come thick and fast). I’m still making a lot of stuff up as I go, but that’s part of the excitement of it as well.
I’m trying to stay ahead of schedule, too. Ideally, I would have liked to have done at least the first couple of weeks before it went live, but the dates were too good and too close. So I’m working about a week ahead instead, which is closer than I’d like, but mostly okay. I’m writing on my hour-long commute to and from work (a habit that I picked up in this year’s NaNoWriMo), so hopefully I’ll build up some leeway there.
I’m currently writing the end of the world. O. M. G. 😀
As for this blog… well, if I can write one for Faith, I should probably write one for me too. And I want to chronicle this adventure I’m setting out on. Not just AB, but the other writing-related stuff I’m doing. The writing groups, the competitions submissions, the long road of novel editing and, eventually, submissions.
Like yesterday, when I wrote a particular part of the blog that turned out to be very upsetting. I was sitting on the train with a lump in my throat because of this beautiful old man I had made up. Reading it back, that part doesn’t kick me as hard as it did when I wrote it. I have no idea if I caught the emotion in it right. I hope I did.
I think I’m going to learn a lot through this. I can’t wait. Now, I think I’m going to go away and end the world some more.
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