1 January 2010 - 2:32 pm

Opinions wanted!

The Apocalypse Blog has finished. I’m still reeling (and not entirely sure what to do with myself today!).

But there’s no rest for the wicked and I’m very bad. I’ve been poking at the new blogfic for while now.

A little summary of the upcoming blogfic: it’s the ship’s log of the Starwalker, a ship with an experimental, space-folding drive, as recorded by the ship herself. She’s an AI with a few glitches, with a lot to learn, including how – and if – this new drive of hers works.

The site for Starwalker is up and just about in shape. Take a look!

I’m still fiddling with it (and obviously, the content isn’t all there yet), but I wanted to gather some opinions before I put it down. I think I’ve got the navigation and features that I want in there – any suggestions?

Things I’m not sure about:

  • The font of the title. It’s kinda boring. Hmm.
  • The date thingy.  I just don’t know if I like it or not. Maybe it’s just that the colours need to be changed. But that’s graphics and I’m terrible with those. Gah!

Also, on this one, I’m going to be allowing comments on the blog. I think it was a mistake not to allow them on AB (but I was too stubborn to go back on that decision 😉 ), so we’ll see how it goes on the new one.

So, any thoughts on the site? Criticisms, suggestions, preferences?

What do you think of this post?
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One comment

  1. Reshaping : : Adventures in Text says:

    […] pulling the planning together – I’ll post more about that soon. I didn’t get any feedback on the website, so I shall assume it’s perfect for […]

    January 6th, 2010 at 9:42 pm