Monetising: Adverts
As a second part to my attempts to make a little out of my writing, I’ve branched out into hosting advertising spaces on my websites.
Thanks to the fabulous Project Wonderful, this is incredibly easy. Just a short time spent setting up the account on their website, a wait while they confirm the site is suitable, and then configuring the ad spaces (doesn’t take long and is very user-friendly), I now have ad boxes up on Starwalker and this blog right here.
The ad boxes are completely controllable, and I’ve only added one or two to each site; it’s counter-productive to have too many, and I hate cluttered websites. I think I’ve reached my limit in the amount of things I want to add to my sidebars!
The ads have been up for less than two weeks and already I’m seeing returns. Nothing huge – the ad payments are done in cents (and sometimes fractions of cents) – but it will all build up in time. For relatively little effort and no monetary outlay at all, it’s definitely worth it! PJ handle all the complex stuff for me; all I have to do is let it run and watch the cents tick upwards.
Definitely not enough to make a living from, but if I ever get my own adverts sorted out, I’ll be able to afford to display them through PJ using only my ad revenue. Handy!
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