So much for updating this more often! Bah.
Things are crazy right now, and I’m struggling to handle it all.
Work is running up against a deadline and the pressure is on there to get everything done in time. That’s not going to let up until the end of the month at least. Coupled with the work I have to get through, I have to pick up the team leader stuff as I go too.
My desktop fell down and refused to get up again, so I had to go get a new one. That’s left me having to deal with Vista (argh) and incredibly poor this month. I can’t do half the stuff I was hoping to.
NaNoWriMo stuff is picking up again. I’ve been tossing ideas around for it for a while with some friends, and it looks like its going to be a busy November for us MLs. Currently trying to line up what we need to do before it all kicks off.
I’m trying to put together a new project, and that is proving to be more difficult than I had anticipated. Communal writing projects are never easy, and between that and my natural habit of wanting things like this to work, I’ve wound up in charge. On the one hand, it’s good fun – I’m getting some fantastic ideas for it, and the enthusiasm of the group is great. On the other hand, nine people is a lot to coordinate and there are headaches involved with that that are currently dragging me down.
Then I have my writing groups to organise (2), the writing festival next weekend to sort out meetups for, an author’s talk next month to get everything in order for, and an upcoming family reunion.
Then there’s the Apocalypse Blog. I’m struggling with that. With everything else on my plate, the Chronic Fatigue is biting hard. So many things to think about and not lose track of, so much running around in my head. It’s hard to sleep or rest.
It all leaves me with little energy to devote to my beloved blogfic. I’m keeping up and posting every day, but I feel like it’s getting strained. I can’t tell how the posts are coming out half the time. I’m fairly sure that it’s suffering, though, and that frustrates me to no end.
On top of that, the story has just hit one of the big markers and I have to get my head around how to handle it. It’s not always easy after a day full of everything I’ve just listed. My usual commute writing time is short and sometimes non-existent if I can’t get a seat.
So, yeah. I’m flagging. Running on empty right now. I’m gonna have to start making some hard choices if it carries on like this for too long – best to put one ball down before I start dropping several. Problem is, I don’t want to put down any of them.
Before anyone panics, AB is not one I will put down by choice. I’m committed to it, and it’s the only part of everything I’m doing right now that’s just for me. (And my readers, of course.)
Bah. Anyway. I should go get myself together for Father’s Day. Time to go hang out with the folks. Post atcha later.
Svenja says:
For what it’s worth, I think you’re doing great. I have no idea how you manage to do all that stuff – I’d collapse and fall over with just half of it! – so huge respect.
The AB is still great as ever. It’s one of the first things I check every day. Really, huge respect!
September 7th, 2009 at 4:57 am
Mel says:
Aww, thank you, Svenja! I can’t tell you how much of a relief it is to know that the cracks aren’t showing. AB is supposed to be a chronicle of Faith’s life, not the ups and downs of mine. 😉
September 7th, 2009 at 8:56 am